Physics 110A: Classical Mechanics I
Fall Term, 2012
Class meets MWF 2:00 to 2:50 PM, Center Hall 216
Problem Session W 6:00 to 7:50 PM, Center Hall 222
This class is where the rubber meets the road in physics: time to get
serious. We will cover Chapters 18 and 11 of Taylor's Classical
Mechanics text.
Students will be assessed via weekly problem sets, a midterm and a final
Professor Contact Info
Tom Murphy
tmurphy /
SERF Buliding, Room 336, 534-1844
Office hour: Th 11:00 AM12:00 PM (or by appointment: e-mail, phone)
Teaching Assistant Contact Info
Kit Lee (problem sessions, HW solutions, office hour)
wklee /
SERF Buliding, Room 463A
Office hours: Friday 11:00 AM12:00 PM, SERF 463A
Wang Yang (HW grading)
wyang /
Course Text
Classical Mechanics, by John R. Taylor. This resource will be heavily
used during the class. Reading assignments will be mostly implicit, as it
will be clear which chapter we are covering. Occasional explicit reading
assignments wil be isued for key points or to flag skipped material.
It is only by doing problems that the course material will truly sink
in, so we will adhere to a regular schedule of graded homework, worth 25%
of your grade. Problem sets will be due every Friday (Wed. on Thanksgiving
week). The assignment will be issued by Friday the week before the due
date, and visible on the assignments page.
The Midterm (30%) will be on Monday, Oct. 29, during class time,
covering Chapters 15. The
final exam (45%; comprehensive) will be
Wed., Dec. 12, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM; location TBD.
The first five chapters largely cover familiar topics, albeit perhaps
using new techniques. The pace through these chapters will be on the fast
side up until the midterm, after which we will slow down to hit the heavy
stuff. An approximate pacing is indicated by the following target dates to
start coverage of the various chapters:
- Chapter 1: Sept. 28
- Chapter 2: Oct. 3
- Chapter 3: Oct. 8
- Chapter 4: Oct. 12
- Chapter 5: Oct. 19
- Chapter 6: Oct. 26
- Chapter 7: Nov. 5
- Chapter 8: Nov. 16
- Chapter 11: Nov. 30