ASTR 597: Astronomical Instrumentation (UW)

Spring Term, 2011

Class normally meets M 3:30 to 4:20 PM, and W 3:10 to 4:00 PM, in the reading room, B356A.
Occasionally the Monday class will convene early, at 3:10 PM, depending on the physics colloquium.

Course Description

This class covers a variety of topics in astronomical instrumentation, including the behavior of light in optical systems, geometrical optics and raytracing (application to APO 3.5 meter), electronic readout of detectors, imaging systems and limitations, spectroscopic systems, infrared considerations, and adaptive optics. Student presentations on an instrument or instrument concept of their chosing will round out the scope of the course. The course will involve two meeting times per week and will have some homework problems to cement familiarity with the various topics, followed by presentations on selected instruments/concepts in the latter part of the quarter.


2D Raytrace Stuff | 3D Raytrace Stuff

Course Materials

Meeting Times